[Full tracking] Calibration and setting methods

目次 What is FBT anyway?For eye tracking and facial tracking only, click here.How do I set up FBT?About calibration, which is essential every time you synchronise your body with your VRchat avatar.How to set up FBT, first half (device section).HMD setupUnimotion, HaritraX Wireless and mocopi.For SlimeVR use in MOCOPIWhen the Vive tracker + HMD is Quest seriesWhen using HMDs that require a base station, such as Vive tracker+VALVE and VIVEVive tracker (Ultimate)の場合カメラを使ったフルトラの場合If you wear the Vive tracker on your chest separatelyHow to set up a FBT second half (second part of entering VRchat).About calibration, which is essential every time you synchronise your body with your VRchat avatar.キャリブレーションの設定をログイン時から解説​​Explanation of the locking position of the FBT (FBT:Lock~).Avatar Measurement explained.Other options explained (for advanced users, no need to tinker with the principle at all).トラブルが発生した場合【トラブル1】身体がぐにゃぐにゃになっている、ねじれている【トラブル2】viveトラッカーの白い玉がキャリブレーション時にのみ、変な位置に移動して、対応できない場合[Trouble 3] Body is squishy, body position is twisted, body … Continue reading [Full tracking] Calibration and setting methods