How is full body tracking used? Examples of how full tracking is used in dance, Kawaii-moves, funny moves, paraphernalia and more!

This section presents examples of how full body tracking is used for dancing, Kawaii-move(cute moves), para-parasitic and other activities. There are a thousand different ways to use full body tracking, which can be expressed using the whole body. Some people become full body tracking for immersion, while others are full body tracking for video. How is full body tracking used? What is the fun in it? I’m sure some of you are thinking… In this article, I will introduce you to some people who have mastered the use of each. Honorifics are omitted below. Let’s have a look! 目次 What is full body tracking? This article is for people who want to know what it is.Case 1: Ash-chan gets better at dancing after 1000 daysMain applications using full body tracking Part 1: DanceRecommended equipment for intense movement dancing: the VIVE … Continue reading How is full body tracking used? Examples of how full tracking is used in dance, Kawaii-moves, funny moves, paraphernalia and more!