Best VRChat Worlds you needs to visit five famous world in Japan!

「Best VRChat Worlds you needs to visit five famous world in Japan!」のアイキャッチ画像


I am having a great time with VRchat. My name is Hiro. Today, I would like to introduce a world and its creator that I recommend to you all!

There are countless worlds on VRchat and it can take a long time just to find which world to go to. My recommendation for finding a world is to find your favourite world creator, which is easier. I would like to introduce you to some of the people I recommend in this article!

Yayoi Nekoyashiki san

He is a producer of many worlds, including the four seasons of Japan and familiar landscapes.

Yayoi rainy season

It is a wonderful world. In this fantastic landscape inspired by a Japanese-style room, the hydrangea is not so much the star of the show as it is the temple, which is not assertive enough to say that hydrangeas are the main attraction, but rather cozy and quietly decorated.

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Yayoi sakura Incline

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Kyoto, which suffered from a shortage of electric power following the Meiji Restoration, took on the challenge of generating electric power and developing waterways using the estuary water of Lake Biwa, and succeeded. The man behind the project was 21-year-old Sakuro Tanabe. After his death, in Keage, Kyoto, the cherry blossoms that still surround people in full bloom and the railroad tracks that were once used still impress many tourists, just like this scenery.



This world producer is characterised by world production with a rain motif.

雨見神社 ~Sunny Rain Falling On The Shrine~

Amemi Jinjyaより引用


雨見会館 Amemikaikanより引用


雨見る屋根裏 Attic In The Rain

A relaxing sleep in an attic room with a view of a suspension bridge, listening to the sound of rain hitting the windows. As stated, this is a popular VR sleep world!

