Agreement with Buinavi regarding the Reproduction of Contents on this Website

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To whom it may concern
Agreement with Buinavi regarding the Reproduction of Contents on this Website


In this case, the contents of the following “article on this site” were reprinted in an “article by Buinavi,” and we notified the person in question through his attorney. After that, Bunainavi corrected the article in question, and we have obtained a certain agreement in the form of an obligation not to refer to the article on this site in the future, to publish an apology on the X account, and not to erase the article.

This site’s article: Can Virtual Desktop’s virtual tracker function allow for fulltra, the most powerful when combined with a Vive tracker or other fulltra device! Includes a video showing how to substitute an upper body other than the waist for the tracker and a comparison of the movements! I did it with QuestPro! [September 19, 2024 edition]

Buinavi-dono’s article: [Virtual Desktop] How to use pseudo full tracking and VIVE tracker at the same time!

For more information, please see
