春の山見温泉 Day-Night Yamami Hot Spring (Spring)
桜を観ながら日周変化を楽しめる温泉ワールドです。水が触れて、夜ではオーロラも出ます。CPU、GPU両方とも高負荷なのでご注意ください。日周変化のない軽量版は後日公開する予定です。 Enjoy Sakura at daytime and Aurora at night time in this hot spring world with interactive water and day-night cycle․ High loading for both CPU and GPU․ PC with TimeSpy score 10000 should able to run this but 20000 is more preferable․ Light weight version without day-night cycle will be release later․ 3⁄1 Update˸ changed some light settings in and around Hot Spring area․