[For VRChat beginners] Frequently asked questions from complete strangers about what they need, what they need, what makes FBT attractive and how to prepare in advance [edition 20250206].

「[For VRChat beginners] Frequently asked questions from complete strangers about what they need, what they need, what makes FBT attractive and how to prepare in advance [edition 20250206].」のアイキャッチ画像



The world’s largest VRSNS (metaverse): what is “VRChat”?

VRChat is called the world’s largest VR SNS (metaverse) and is said to have 40,000 simultaneous connections worldwide by 2022.To access VRchat, you do not need any virtual currency account, etc. You can enter simply by visiting the VRChat website and creating an account. If you just want to enter, you can do so either on your smartphone or PC. A Japanese server has also been established, and Japanese users are active on the site. We have summarised what you need and what questions you need to ask about VRchat.

Thumbnails and photos are from the world here


The number of simultaneous

connections is taken from this site: https:


The appeal of ‘VRChat’

~No.1 Share and enjoy the VR world with

users from all over the world borderlessly ~

You can enjoy the immersive fun of the VR world with users from all over the world borderlessly. You can communicate with friends from all over the world
in VR, experience realistic 3D, and feel as if you are close to them in real time.

~ 2. Reproduce your own worlds and avatars in VR & share them with the world –

Another attraction is that you can upload your own worlds and avatars to share them with the world. You can socialise in large, vast, realistic worlds that cannot be experienced with conventional technology. It’s great to share the experience of visiting many worlds, sleeping with beautiful sights and talking with friends. You can also share your experiences using full-traditional devices and VR equipment.


~No.3 Many games can be played in VR with friends you meet on VRChat –

VRChat is a world created by each user in Unity, Users can play in them. This means that there are countless multiple games and worlds within VRChat, and you can go to different worlds with friends you have made on VRChat, play games, visit nice worlds and share the excitement.

Stammi’s video, which is delivered while also showing footage from the real side, is very informative. Stammi is enjoying the game in VR mode with a Quest3 and a controller.

~No.4 Full body tracking + eye tracking + facial tracking avatars in VR can reproduce your movements, immersing and expressing yourself in the VR world –

In order to enhance the full body immersion, this website recommends that you attach a tracker to your entire body, apart from the HMD and controller, and attach trackers to your legs and waist. We strongly recommend attaching full-tracking equipment that makes your movements one with your avatar, eye trackers that can track your face and eye movements, and facial tracking equipment. It is great fun and a pleasant sensation to be in front of a mirror and have your movements and those of your avatar become one. You can be your own player.







For more information on equipment, see the following article.


For more information on my current equipment, please see the following article.



Despite what you need for “VRChat”

, the minimum you need just to start VRChat is an account and a device to connect to the internet. In other words, VR equipment is not essential.

How to create an account

Visit the official website and register as a user by providing your username, email address, password and birthday. For two-step verification, you will need a separate smartphone and your birthday will not be published. Next, you need to install the software, which is available on the smartphone version, the PC version ‘Steam’ and the Quest version; of the PC version, you need ‘SteamVR’ separately if you want to play in VR mode.

The only minimum requirement is a smartphone.

You need a device for access, such as a smartphone, a PC and a VR headset (VRHMD). If you use a PC, we recommend a “gaming PC” as it handles very advanced 3D graphics. If you want to converse, you will need a separate microphone. Conversation can also be done by text input via keyboard, but conversation is easier. An iOS version is also planned for release in the near future and a beta version has already been released.

What if I want to have fun in VR?

For more information on equipment, see the following article.


For more information on my current equipment, please see the following article.



Do I need an HMD (head mounted display)?

For normal VR mode, you will need VR goggles (head mounted display) and a controller. For the current situation, we recommend the Meta Quest 3, which is easy to obtain. For more information



About controll

ersThere are also many controllers available. In particular, if you want your avatar to follow your finger movements (hand tracking), we recommend the following controllers.



About PC (when VR on PC)

“Meta Quest 3” can be played by itself without the need for a PC, but the VRChat software is different for the PC and Android (Quest) versions. Please note that without a PC, the worlds you can visit and the avatars you can display are limited. Also, for PCVR mode, a high-performance PC is required.



About PCVR during

FultraWe recommend the Quest series for normal use, as it is wired, so it depends on Fultra’s move style and VIVE has no new products available. As this website is about introducing Fultra, we will also introduce it when doing Fultra. When doing full tiger, we recommend HMDs that are compatible with Base Station 2.0, such as the Valve Index and VIVE Pro eye with a wired connection that operates in the HTC Base Station environment, as they often eventually reach Vive trackers, etc. and have far fewer problems when using them. Recommended. If you do a lot of movements like just spinning around or turning your head for dancing, I recommend the Quest series. See the article below for more information on the equipment I am currently using. I also use the Valve Index if I just want to do full trapeze.



much money do I need to spend?

It’s free to just get started with the basics, and the service itself is also free to access. However, as mentioned above, it depends on your play style, as there is a huge amount of money spent on each device and so on. Also, there are so many temptations when entering this world, especially avatars and avatar-related accessories, that many people spend a lot of money on purchasing them.

Do I need a virtual currency account?

I have a virtual currency account, but I do not need one and have never used it. If you need a virtual currency account, be aware that this could be a scam.

















The basics of VRChatWhy
do you say there are tens of thousands of simultaneous connections, but when you enter, there are only a few dozen people?

In VRChat, because simultaneous connections cannot withstand the load, each instance (think of it like a room) is restricted so that only a few dozen people can enter. At the most, there are roughly 80 people. In an instance, it is decided how many people can enter the same world. So even in the same world, if you are in a different instance, you will not be able to meet that person. Instances can also be set up with detailed levels of entry, such as Public, Friend, Friend+, Invite, Group and Group+. So you can only think of a single instance as the extent of what you can enter in that instance.

What is displayed above each user’s head?

What is displayed above each user’s head is a status that identifies the user.


very poor:アバターの容量(アバターとしてはとても重いという意味で貧乏って意味ではありません)
Trusted ;トラストランク。Trusted User



トラストランク(Trust Rank)とは何か?

Visitorが始めた時に与えられるもので、どんどん進むにつれて、Trusted Userになります。

Trusted User (トラステッドユーザー:紫)特になし
Known User (ノウンユーザー:橙)
User (ユーザー:緑) ワールドのCommunity Labsへの登録ができます
New User (ニューユーザー:青) アバター、ワールドのアップロードができます
Visitor (ビジター:白)


重要なのは、一定のランクに達するとコンテンツのアップロードなどが解禁される点です。アバターをアップロードする場合は、New User以上である必要があります。ユーザーランクを上げる方法について公式的には言及はありません。通報を多数されて迷惑ユーザーとして認定された場合は、「Nuisance」ランクになります。ビジターさんは基本的に珍しいため、よく声をかけてもらったりします。Trusted UserはUserに表示を変更できます


Why it doesn

‘t turn up easily in searchesMost users transmit information on social networking sites such as Twitter, and it doesn’t turn up easily in searches. SNS is essential because of the fast update frequency, but we try to update and add information as quickly as possible to make sure that our site is caught in the search.

Which worlds have beautiful landscapes or Japanese landscapes?

Here are some of the worlds that we have tried and found to be the most popular.


How do I search for worlds?

If you search online: search for VRChat worlds. You can find them by searching on the site:



some of them were actually interviewed and are listed here.


Frequently asked questions on “VRChat”
Q1: I want to upload my avatar and I want to raise my user rank quickly. I want to know how to raise it quickly.

A. There are ways to raise your user rank quickly, but raising your user rank has some disadvantages that you can’t get back, so we’ll start with that. As
soon as you become New, however, the amount of friends you have decreases, and as soon as you become User, you can hardly be approached by anyone. This is because the User rank can be switched and changed even by people of Trusted rank.

The difficulty of making friends increases with rank. In terms of school, visitors start school in April. It is an easy time to communicate with everyone, but when you become a New, August enrolment, or User, you start with so little interest that teachers from other classes can open up to students, and communication itself becomes much more difficult.

VRchat is, in fact, an escalating, integrated world of the same peers from kindergarten to university, so the above is ideal and even more difficult to achieve. It is difficult even for a transfer student to suddenly join a close-knit group, so to move up the user ranks is like making it even more difficult. Simply put, you will need to actively communicate and blend into the inner circle at the same or slightly lower level as in the real world.

Another characteristic of the way instances are set up is that many people want to talk with other friends, so Japanese people often set up instances with friends and friends+. If this happens, if you have a small number of friends and your friend is in a friend-only instance set up by a friend who is not your friend, you, who is not a friend of the person who set up the instance, will not be able to enter. Therefore, the more friends you have, the easier it will be to enter.

There are many ways to increase your user rank: increase your friends, pay bills, etc…

So, taking this into account, we recommend that you get friend requests from various people and increase your friends while you are a visitor. One of the ways to speed up avatar uploads is to pay for a paid service called VRC+, but if you participate in gatherings as described above when you are a Visitor, and if you become friends a lot, I have heard that you can become New in about two days. Personally, I do not recommend paying for VRC+ for the reason of raising your user rank and uploading your avatar as quickly as possible.

Q2: I want to make a lot of friends. What do you recommend?

In VRChat, most Japanese users are in instances where only friends or friends of friends (Friend+) can enter.

Friends in the first place? A friend on VRChat is someone you have sent a friend request to and received it . It differs from real life in that it is used in a shallower sense than friends in the real world, and there are many people who have only met each other once at a gathering, almost as if they had never met before.

When you become friends with someone, you can enter their instances (instances that can only be entered by friends) and deepen your relationship with them.

No. 3: Making friends in dialogue worlds such as Nagisa

Joining dialogue worlds such as Nagisa is another way to talk one-on-one and make friends.



A. VRChat上では、アバター作者さんの作品群のアバターの総称を、〇〇アバターと呼ぶことがあります。






Be careful about other

things besides Unity and avatar modification

VRSNS, so be careful about anything that could lead to alleged copyright infringement.
In addition to protecting the rights of copyrighted avatars and purchased items, copying the site’s content without permission and spreading it on social networking sites can cause problems.
The following are actual cases that have happened on this website.





