I tried the HaritoraX2 (“Haritora 2”) FBT with VRChat. The Haritora 2 is an IMU-based fulltra device...
We don't recommend using Radeon for VRchat on this website, because there are quite a few cases wher...
Tips on how to prevent bruising, pain, shifting and tightening of the VIVE tracker belt and how to s...
This section presents examples of how full body tracking is used for dancing, Kawaii-move(cute moves...
VIVE Tracker (Ultimate) [VIVE Ultimate Tracker] can track up to five trackers (up to eight points no...
■Fundamentals.Lecture 1: What is full body tracking? What principles does it work on, with 17 differ...
I spent the night (about 7 hours) and report that I had a very hot night. I tried it with both feet ...
mocopi has been updated and is now available with SlimeVR. We have compared it with the previous ver...
When trying to become a FBT, HaritraX Wireless and Unimotion are the first candidates. The reason fo...
Moved to the following article.https://vrchat-fbt.com/fullbodytracking_list-en/ 日本語版はこちらhttps:/...
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