How is full body tracking used? Examples of how full tracking is used in dance, Kawaii-moves, funny moves, paraphernalia and more!

「How is full body tracking used? Examples of how full tracking is used in dance, Kawaii-moves, funny moves, paraphernalia and more!」のアイキャッチ画像



This section presents examples of how full body tracking is used for dancing, Kawaii-move(cute moves), para-parasitic and other activities.

There are a thousand different ways to use full body tracking, which can be expressed using the whole body.
Some people become full body tracking for immersion, while others are full body tracking for video.

How is full body tracking used? What is the fun in it? I’m sure some of you are thinking…
In this article, I will introduce you to some people who have mastered the use of each.

Honorifics are omitted below. Let’s have a look!

What is full body tracking? This article is for people who want to know what it is.

I’m going to assume you’ve read this one, so if you don’t know the name of each device, etc., please click here.

Full-Body tracking! A comprehensive overview of 17 different tools for playing full body tracking with VRchat for those who are completely unfamiliar with it! [As of 1 May 2024]


Case 1: Ash-chan gets better at dancing after 1000 days

1000 Days Ash-chan is working hard at dancing every day with the goal of dancing for 1000 days. The avatar used is Ash-chan by teacher Mito Arisaka. The type of dance is called shuffle.

Main applications using full body tracking Part 1: Dance

This is an example of using a total of six pieces of wireless full body tracking (Quest2) + Quest controller + Vive tracker. For those who dance with video, we basically recommend the Vive Tracker (or Tundra Tracker) on our website due to its response speed. However, as there are so many different types of dance, it totally depends on what type of dance you are doing. For more information, it is best to ask someone who is dancing.

Hiro in the back sometimes.

Watch the explanation video by Kuma-chan (Ash-chan’s inside man) to learn the basics of VRChat’s shuffle dance!


Recommended equipment for intense movement dancing: the VIVE tracker.

Comparison videos are also presented. You can see that even with intense movements, it tracks beautifully. The Bear’s dance moves his feet quite violently, so he needs a full-tracking device with a very fast response time. With that in mind, the Vive tracker is the only choice. Sometimes people ask, I want to dance, can’t I use the IMU method? It depends on the type of dance, is it something that requires responsiveness? What kind of dance do you want to do? If you don’t know exactly what kind of dance you want to do, we can’t advise you on whether the IMU method is a good choice or not.

How do I actually set it up? For more information on how to use and purchase a tracker, please refer to the links below.



Case 2: Amasato Mochi [formerly Tomochi~].

This is a person who does cute moves, pretending to be an avatar, and is also active in the idol unit ‘Sugary Rabbit (SugaryRabbit) Sugary Rabbit’ of Komado avatars on VRChat. If you are not familiar with Sugary Rabbit, click here.




Main uses of FBT, Part 2: kawaii moves

The kawaii move is one of the methods of expressing ‘cute gestures of characters’; in VRchat, it is often used in the sense of ‘gestures by avatars to make themselves look cute in VR space’, and is often used as one of the ways to express the cuteness of avatars, regardless of gender.

This time, we have given priority to the name on Twitter. Click here for a NOTE for those who want to know more about Tomochi~’s cute moves.




Recommended equipment for kawaii moves, etc.: VIVE tracker

This is a case study on kawaii moves, using the Vive tracker. This is a personal opinion, but I will write here an example of a common way of expressing the kawaii move. As most of the moves are mainly one leg lifts, and many of the expressions are based on moving the legs, we recommend the VIVE Tracker as a device, which has almost no drift when it is grounded.


Case 3 moff (main movement: dancing, parapara)










フルトラを使った主な用途 その3:フルトラ生命体





This is an example of the use of the Vive tracker with regard to Hiro-san moves.

This is an example of the use of the Vive tracker with regard to Hiro-san moves.
I think it’s obvious that it’s a comparison with other devices, and you can see that the VIVE tracker is better.
Sometimes when we make comparison videos, some people say that the mocopi is better or other commercial IMU devices are better, but the Vive tracker is superior in terms of not floating feet, reproducibility with actual movements, response speed, calibration accuracy, time required for setting up, all of these! There was no commercially available device with an IMU system. Even when considering the price ratio, some people buy another IMU-based device because of its low reproducibility, but we do not recommend it because it is overwhelmingly less cost-effective than the VIVE tracker.

The choice of device depends on the move, so if you want to raise your legs, we recommend a camera system that is low-cost, easy and quick to install: Vive trackers, Unimotion, HaritoraX wireless and mocopi. We have tried the Vive Tracker, but the Vive Tracker is by far the best at reproducing realistic movements, and since it does not actually skid at all, we do not believe that the IMU-based devices currently available on the market are able to reproduce the same level of realism as the Vive Tracker. Click here to see a comparison video of this. I don’t think other IMU-based devices have caught up in terms of movement reproducibility. Occasionally, some people say that commercial IMU-based devices can do the same movements as the Vive tracker, but from my point of view, I think it depends on the moves. In fact, very few people do this kind of move, because most of the time they are sitting or sleeping. Only the person themselves can tell how well it reproduces realistic movements, so when referring to comparison videos, please ask yourself whether they are on VRchat or not. It is important that the same person is performing the same movements in the same environment.






Case 5: Nemu Nekoyama (main movement: enjoying the immersive experience).

I am an official ambassador of the Full Tiger Institute.

♪ I don’t know no dancing cat mountain ♪ ♪ I don’t know no dancing cat mountain ♪ ♪ I don’t know no dancing cat mountain ♪ I don’t know the dancing Nekoyama, I don’t know the dancing Nekoyama, I don’t know the dancing Nekoyama, I don’t know the dancing Nekoyama

Nekoyama-san is mainly a wired haritra user.

Nekoyama recommends the following equipment: HaritoraX (wired type)

So far, they have not known a night when they were not dancing, but they are more likely not to dance.
They are usually asleep. Also, they do mysterious movements. The principle is a trade secret, according to the company. Haritora (HaritoraX) connects each tracker via a LAN line, which seems quite complicated, but it has several advantages not found in other IMU systems, such as only having to plug one in to charge it. Nekoyama-san uses the earliest Haritra.

For those who want to put a blanket or other covering over them for VR sleep, etc., with the Vive tracker, the blanket will shield them and they will not be able to move. Therefore, for VR sleepers, we recommend the IMU method or wearing clothes like a wearable blanket and attaching the tracker on top. It is also recommended due to its very low cost.

They are having a sephira rally.


Nekoyama is an idol of SephiraPhile, Sephira-chan’s idol unit!


The above.