HaritoraX2’s FBT on VRChat [February 3, 2025 Edition].

「HaritoraX2’s FBT on VRChat [February 3, 2025 Edition].」のアイキャッチ画像



I tried the HaritoraX2 (“Haritora 2”) FBT with VRChat. The Haritora 2 is an IMU-based fulltra device from Siftor. In effect, it is the successor to the previous Haritra Wireless device. In addition to this device, the optical method will also be available with the purchase of a separate accessory, HaritoraX 2 Add-on “R”, which will be available in the fall of next year. Please note that this will not be available until next fall.




The main body of HaritraX2

has IMU-type trackers that are attached to the chest (CHEST), waist (HIP), left leg (LEG L), and right leg (LEG R) from the top, and a cable that can charge 6 USBCs at the bottom. The cable is of the same construction as the one that comes with Haritra Wireless. There is a main button to turn on/off the power and a sub-button for other adjustments.

Under the white lid, there is a belt to secure each tracker and a string to secure the wired devices.

Please note that the official HP


the HMD and controller on the head, and the devices worn around the face* are not the Haritra 2 in this case. The other devices attached are Haritra 2.
*For more information about the Muteak series and the presumed former Haritra Wireless, the previous Haritra Wireless model, please click here.

ハリトラワイヤレス(HaritoraX ワイヤレス)のBluetooth版と専用ドングルでの9点フルトラで比較してみた

Many of the button operations, etc. are common to Haritra Wireless.

About the official disc

ordThere is an official discord. The people at Shiftool are often stationed there, and if you have any questions, we recommend that you check here.



Regarding the delivery date,

the last time Haritra Wireless appeared, there was a delay due to various reasons such as overseas production & new methods. This time, however, it arrived by 1/31, as originally scheduled for January delivery. When purchasing a full-transistor device, we basically recommend that you estimate the delivery date + α for the type that is sold directly by the manufacturer.

In the case of Shiftor, if the first month of sales is January delivery date, we recommend that you assume that it will be at the end of January at the earliest. this is different from commercial products sold on Amazon, etc.

Also, please note that you absolutely need to watch the video to know that you need the angle adjustment adapters for both legs (not included with the unit; delivered free of charge in late February; can be printed if you own a 3D printer).


You NeedIn addition to the HMD, controller, and PC used in normal VR mode, you will need the following. Compatible HMDs are listed here. Note that the angle adjustment adapter in particular is not reflected in the official instruction manual, but as of 2/2, it is not all included.

The main unit
, AC adapter etc. that can be charged by USBA
, Bluetooth model: Shiftall recommended Bluetooth dongle and Wi-Fi / Bluetooth combo adapter with built-in PC (commercially available)
, and when operating with a dedicated dongle: GX6 dongle (available at the official Shiftall store)
and Shiftall VR Manager (pre-installation is recommended)
・Angle adjustment adapter (not included in the unit; will be delivered free of charge in late February)
・Socks, etc. (to gather the hems of the pants so that the sensors can be seen)

*In the official video, it is mentioned that a special angle adjustment adapter is attached to the legs. The official video shows that a special angle-adjusting adapter will be attached to the legs.
If you have a 3D printer, you can print out the data and put it into practice.

The angle adjustment adapter is described in the official video.

Please understand that this is a trial under officially deprecated conditions,
and please also check the names of each part.
Please refer to the following official Google document for the name of each part of the sensor,how to

set up , troubles, etc.

Please read it carefully at https://ja.shiftall.net/haritorax-manual-indexドキュメントの熟読が重要基本は上記のドキュメントをPCで開いて


. The reason we say “read carefully” is because the setting procedures and solutions differ depending on the type of user: those who have used Haritora Wireless before, those who use either a dedicated dongle or Bluetooth, those who still have HaritoraConfigurator settings, those who are setting up a Shiftool device after a long time, and various other types. Please note that there are different setup procedures and solutions for different types of people.

Previously, HaritoraConfigurator was basically the only software available for configuration, but Haritora Wireless has also changed to support Shiftall VR Manager in the process, and this time, the change to only Shiftall VR Manager is also very significant. Although the software is from the same manufacturer, the menus, etc. are completely different, so please be careful.

Also, the official version is in Google Docs format, so it does not come up in a Google search; pressing Ctrl+F to search, or perusing within the manual as appropriate, will very often provide a solution or small link to a solution.

There are also links within the setup video

manual, but here we will pick out the videos that seem to be commonly implemented.


In this issue, I would like to write about only the points where I ran into difficulties and points to note.

The general flow of the settings is as follows .



It is. If everything goes smoothly, it will take roughly 45 minutes to an hour. However, even if you are not a first-time user, please be aware of the following snags that can be disastrous if you get stuck.


, Haritra 2 has two modes of connection: one is via Bluetooth, just like the conventional Haritra Wireless, and the other is via a dedicated dongle. In the previous version, the conditions were quite strict when six devices were used, compared to the limit of seven maximum simultaneous Bluetooth connections for general-purpose Windows PCs. This time, the number of connections was four, which gave us more leeway. I was happy to finally be able to use it, and immediately started the Shiftall VR Manager, and just as I was doing it in Bluetooth mode, it happened.

I used the recommended Bluetooth connection dongle on the PC side, but it didn’t work . In addition, I tried the measures described in the FAQ and Troubleshooting, but it was NG.

I adjusted it for about an hour from the start of the setup, but eventually fell behind. I am afraid that Bluetooth is required when updating the firmware. In my case, I gave up, but if you want to connect normally, ask on the official Discord.

In the case of the dedicated dongle, it took about 30 minutes to complete the setup, while

the connection with the dedicated dongle GX6 went without problems. I was able to connect with the dedicated dongle GX6 without any problems. When switching to the dedicated dongle, there is a 3 minute dongle update beforehand.














Incidentally, the reason for the ski pose is to compensate for the tilt by tilting all IMU devices. It is not necessary to tilt them to the extreme. Let’s try the pose recommended by the manufacturer.

Point 3: Calibrate

without a pause. In the IMU method, due to the constantly fluctuating geomagnetic field, etc., if you do the calibration on VRChat immediately after the upright ➡ ski pose ➡ calibration on VRChat without a pause, it will work well with less misalignment. It is recommended to use quick calibration, which can be done with a trigger operation.

Reset the front face

is a sleep calibration “Reset the front face” is a “sleep calibration” that is performed when the user sleeps face up. If you want to perform it with higher accuracy, do not do it on your back. Unimotion and other IMU methods are not recommended.

If you want to improve the reproducibility of motion, the most important factors in principle for the IMU method are the position and height of the person wearing the device

. The height must be set to the real height, both on the IMU system software and on VRChat. The official instructions on how to set the height are provided. In addition, the IMU method estimates each position of the body by transmitting the position of each sensor, starting from the head, then moving to the chest, waist, above the knees, and below the knees. For this reason, the mounting position of the sensor specified by the manufacturer is important.

Please refer to this manual on how to install the sensor:


https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OBcnitaRU5I-9kM3KFZgb-iZx8Xmjqk8rgX7OuHy4kk/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.gcs 3p3qebw5mIn

particular, be sure to check the angle of the KNEE sensor. Also, be aware that the position to attach the HaritoraX / 1.1 / 1.1B / Wireless is different.

Height settings

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OBcnitaRU5I-9kM3KFZgb-iZx8Xmjqk8rgX7OuHy4kk/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.nehfl5uphpn5VRChat及び How to use with Cluster

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OBcnitaRU5I-9kM3KFZgb-iZx8Xmjqk8rgX7OuHy4kk/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.111kx3oその他 Shiftall VR Manager settings

This time, the following settings were used. The settings have not been changed from the basic installation. The sensor operation mode was Mode 2 and the geomagnetic environment was basically Good or better. If the geomagnetic environment is bad, please refer to the official FAQ.
*I tried this time with Mode2, but the official manual says that if the geomagnetic environment is good, Mode1 is less likely to shift. Please note that my understanding is completely wrong and I have been advised by the official to correct it. https://docs.
google.com/document/d/1OBcnitaRU5I-9kM3KFZgb-iZx8Xmjqk8rgX7OuHy4kk/ edit?tab=t.0

The sensor communication frequency here allows you to set how often posture data is sent between the sensor and the PC. It is stated that selecting 50 FPS may improve the situation when the signal condition is poor or problems occur when other Bluetooth devices are used together.






Verification 1: Is it really off by an hour?



Conclusion: It does not shift in a way

, and this time, since the official emphasized the merit that it does not shift, I verified that it does not shift for an hour. As a conclusion, if you keep still with lung breathing and no air in your belly, you will not shift. If you do abdominal breathing or move your stomach, it seems to shift more and more.

Conversely, I think it is important not to breathe through the belly when using the IMU method. If you breathe with your stomach, the area around the waist will naturally move, so I was able to reproduce the situation where only the stomach moves to the left or right, and the figure of a phrase bends like a crook.
Also, mode 1 is more effective for a longer period of time, so I will have to try it next time.


ユニモーションでVRChat上でフルトラして、他デバイスと比較してやってみた 20241127版(Unimotion)【Uni-studio v.1.4.4版】

After. You can do frontal calibration (practically sleep calibration) right away, so you have enough time to get into sleep, so you won’t have any trouble.

Conclusion: Better than Unimotion if you are in a sleeping position

. But this is the case of Unimotion.

Considering how well it keeps you in a sleeping position, Haritra 2 is better.

Verification 2: How about moving?
Conclusion: I can only say that I am waiting for the angle adjustment adapter.
Currently, without the angle adjustment adapter, I have the impression that both feet are not moving well. Without the adapter, I have the impression that the tracker is slightly in front of the feet, and if I shift it around the position where the adapter is, it will generally come to a good position, so I am waiting for the adapter.


Verification 3: What if I try sleeping with a blanket over me?
Conclusion: I can only say that this is also waiting for the angle adjustment adapter.

Currently, without the angle adjustment adapter, I have the impression that both feet are not moving well. Also, without the angle adjustment adapter, I had the impression that the ankle detection function after putting the blanket over it was not working properly.

In the middle of the video, I am doing things like turning the ankle detection function on and off, but the ankle is bent in a strange direction. In addition, since we are again using the light house method ValveIndex and Index controller, the actual foot is in the position held by the hand. If you look at this area, you can see that I still want the pedestal that is originally needed.
Also, when I put a blanket on it, the Velcro part inevitably gets caught on the blanket, and the belt itself moves.
The battery lasted

only about 5% of the time after 3 hours of use. The simple calculation is 60 hours, but I have the impression that the battery life is stronger than before. The power on/off is turned off after about 20 minutes when the Shiftall VR Manager is turned off. Everything can be turned off on the software side as well.



How it compares to other devices

Conclusion: I know it is definitely an improvement over the previous Haritra Wireless, but
the basic movements such as drifts that need to be determined after the adapter arrives
are also greatly improved

. Last time, the tracking was not working well due to the radio environment, etc., and the ball was not coming to the body in the first place, but this time, those areas have been greatly improved.
To be honest, it is much easier to use. Drift has also been greatly reduced. Needless to say, however, there is still a big difference from the optical VIVE tracker, where drift does not occur in principle.

Click here to see the previous issue.


 My personal opinion is that without the adapter coming in, it is a bit of a reproduction comparison. The real problem is that the calibration also has both feet there with the tracker at the end of it.
The difference between Unimotion and

the Haritra series is that Unimotion moves more lively, while Haritra moves with a slipperier feel. The difference between Unimotion and Haritra series is that Unimotion moves more quickly and Haritra moves more slowly. This time, 100fps mode and Unimotion is 144Hz mode, so you may want to align them and do it once.

Note that not everyone can do this in the best environment

. As is often the case with IMU full-traffic devices, if the magnetic or radio environment is different, the reproducibility of movement and the frequency of drift will be completely different, so it is quite important to compare in the same environment.
Please note that even if you are given a video and told, “You can move better in this environment,” compared to others, you may not be able to do so at all.

#ContactTrack Seriesのフルトラ(Diver-X社 新製品)とは何か?【2024年12月23日版】

As for which is better, the unimotion or the adapter, I feel I cannot judge at present because the adapter is not wearing it in the first place. That is all I have to

say. I

apologize for the delay in responding to the unauthorized reproduction by Buinavi this time. The article was two days late, on 2/2. We are very sorry. We will do our best to deliver it in a more timely manner. I am mentally exhausted, so I apologize if the article is also poorly written. As for the photos and diagrams, we will deal with the copyrights later.

Other articlesWhat is FBT


