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We have now introduced vive Ultimate tracker with QuestPro (Quest series in general) and will write about the details required to introduce it.
- About setting up the Vive Ultimate tracker
- [What you need to know in advance] Previously.
- For those who want to know how it feels to use it.
- What you need to know in advance I have no idea where the code is.
- Setup
- [The whole process] If you do it right, you’ll get hooked, so be careful.
- [How to set up] First of all, official video → official discote registration
- [Do-hamari point (i)] Mysterious trouble with driver updates not being possible.
- [complete set of photographs].
- [Photo of a complete set of dongles].
- 【ドはまりポイント②】ルームセットアップ保存されないトラブル
- 【次の記事】ファーストインプレッション。7時間使ってみた感想
- いいねとリツイートお願いします
About setting up the Vive Ultimate tracker


[What you need to know in advance] Previously.
What is the Vive Ultimate tracker anyway? For people who want to know.
It is described here. Please check the knowledge assumptions made here before proceeding.
VIVE Ultimate Trackerまとめ。何点フルトラまでできる?仕様、ツイッター、デメリットを一気に公開!まとめてみました(VIVEトラッカー(Ultimate)
How does full body tracking in QuestPro work in the first place? For those who are wondering
You can find the information here. We will proceed on the assumption of your knowledge here, so please check it out.
For those who want to know how it feels to use it.
If you want to know what it is like to use it, rather than setting it up, you can find it here.
【ファーストインプレッション編】Vive Ultimate trackerの設定後、一晩過ごしとてもアツい夜を過ごした話。メリットデメリット含めて紹介します
What you need to know in advance I have no idea where the code is.

What to prepare in advance
Vive Ultimate Tracker x 3
Tracker belt (to replace the vivetracker)
Dongle for Ultimate Tracker
[The whole process] If you do it right, you’ll get hooked, so be careful.
1.Join the discord, enter the campaign code and install VIVE streaming.
2. watch the video of the procedure and set it up.

1. install the VIVE streaming hub and enter the campaign code (time taken: 3 hours 20 minutes)
2.Launch VirtualDesktop and set up the headset and SteamVR add-on associations (time spent: 10 minutes)
3. driver update and pairing of VIVE Ultimate Tracker and dongle (time spent: half a day)
4. setting up the tracking map (time spent: more than half a day)
5.OpenVR Space Calibrator (time spent: 5 minutes)
6. launching VRchat
The following is a list of the items that need to be prepared in advance. It is recommended that you check before you arrive as there are some things you may need to prepare in advance.

[How to set up] First of all, official video → official discote registration


[Do-hamari point (i)] Mysterious trouble with driver updates not being possible.

[complete set of photographs].

[Photo of a complete set of dongles].

Hammer point 1) USBC hub.
USBC- USBA cable pointing to the tracker body should be available, even if it is a 2.0 standard; be careful with USBC hubs.

やべぇ・・・Vive Ultimateトラッカー マジでムズイ。肝心のトラッキングマップが保存失敗表示が何度もでる。マジでむずすぎる。白い壁一面はさすがにないのに、黒幕だと暗すぎて駄目といわれる、マジで鬱 pic.twitter.com/AQncLU6R3y
— ヒロ/フルトラ研究所(フルトライター芸人)VRChat :hiro124 (@hiro124_VRC) May 3, 2024


【ファーストインプレッション編】Vive Ultimate trackerの設定後、一晩過ごしとてもアツい夜を過ごした話。メリットデメリット含めて紹介します
Vive Ultimate trackerの記事作成しました。なんと設定で1日半かかりました。ハマらないように気を付けてください。ハマらなければ多分2時間半ぐらいでいけます。
【設定編】Vive Ultimate trackerの設定方法を実際の写真を交えて紹介、ボクがハマったポイントも紹介! https://t.co/75Lx9T3d63— ヒロ/フルトラ研究所(フルトライター芸人)VRChat :hiro124 (@hiro124_VRC) May 3, 2024