Full-Body Tracking !! Which is the best of 17 different devices on vrchat?

「Full-Body Tracking !! Which is the best of 17 different devices on vrchat?」のアイキャッチ画像



Which full body tracking devices are used by VRchat users in our laboratory? Our latest survey on 23 April 2023 shows that there are roughly 800 people with full body tracking.
In the first edition of this independent survey, up to 1800 people responded, and the latest results show that about half of all users were vive tacker, the remaining 30% or so were haritra, 5% were unimotion and then mocopi, with the number of users remaining vive > haritra > unimotion.

Compared to the 2022 survey, the ranking remained unchanged


For MOCOPI, the calculation was 457 x 0.068 = 31 people voted.

Summary: Full body tracking devices within VRchat used by everyone

Around half of the total are vive tacker, the remaining 30% are haritra, 5% unimotion, mocopi is still a small number
**Just to clarify, the survey was created with the aim of VRchat users, but it is possible that after the survey was spread through RT, it could be used for Vtuber use. Please note that the number of responses inevitably decreases the further down the questionnaire goes, and that the number of responses varies depending on RT.


How is full body tracking used?

ダI enjoy the feeling of oneness between myself and my avatar on VRchat, dancing, posing for photos, recreating leg and hip movements.For more information, see this article.When choosing a device, it is recommended that you have a clear idea of what kind of movements you want to do.

Recommendations for each device by movement for full body tracking

We have compiled a list of recommended devices by the movements you often do in the previous survey.

Some people wear it for the immersive experience, others just to move their feet, so you should choose a device based on the actual moves you want to do.VRchat itself is a game, so people who are into full body tracking will be addicted to it, and those who are not addicted to it will quickly stop. The movements that the Japanese want are difficult to perform unless the full body tracking is a VIVE tracker or IMU system, rather than a camera system, which requires the whole body to be constantly on screen. The Japanese use it for taking photos, sleeping, sitting, dancing, etc.The Japanese use it for taking photos, sleeping, sitting, dancing, etc.

Immersion is about realistic motion reproduction and low calibration!

Immersion is important that the user is not pulled back from the VR world to reality. For full body tracking, the realistic motion reproducibility of the device and low calibration are crucial: some IMU systems can become misaligned after 20 minutes or more, and may have to be calibrated each time. In this respect, Vive trackers can be calibrated quickly, and the high repeatability of the Vive tracker, which measures the distance from the base station to determine its position, provides an immersive experience that is unparalleled.

Introduction of various full-body tracking devices

VIVE trackers, with their high visibility and movement reproducibility, are often mistakenly thought to be ‘a move that anyone can do when it comes to full body tracking’. However, when you watch the video below, which compares five devices commonly used in VRchat fulltras, it’s clear to see the difference.

I used six of them on vrchat: VIVE Tracker 3.0, Unimotion , HaritoraX Wireless, mocopi , MocapForAll and Vive Ultimate Tracker.

VIVE Tracker is the one that reproduces the movements most accurately. In the following video, I tried it on each device in the same environment! The movement and smoothness is totally different! The vive tracker has the best performance. The third avatar from the left is using vivetracker.



The VIVE tracker’s realistic motion reproduction is extremely high and realistic! Here, after a brief explanation of how the VIVE tracker works, the advantages and disadvantages of the IMU and camera methods are presented.

[1] Most popular! VIVE Tracker Budget: from 80,000 yen

The easiest initial installation on the market. Immersive feeling, movement reproducibility, price are all high. Can be purchased from non-official sources if stock is available.

The VIVE Tracker is an optical full-body tracking device, a full-body tracking device that reads the coordinates by having the tracker receive the rays of light emitted from the Base Station. To become a full body tracking device, you need at least one base station and all three trackers. vive trackers were the only devices readily available until August 2022, but recently other devices have become available for purchase. So why are the expensive Vive trackers still so popular?

Why buy a VIVE Tracker if it’s so expensive? Reason: Because it is the easiest and most powerful product on the market.

Even today, each IMU-based device can only be pre-ordered from the official website and cannot be purchased commercially. In the past, there has also been a need to win a lottery, etc., and there is inevitably a waiting list. Commercially available Vive trackers and base stations are expensive and hard to find, but there are many second-hand ones available and easy to buy, as there are a lot of people who stop full body tracking with VRchat. The video below was taken with a second-hand VIVE + VIVE Tracker 3.0. It’s pretty sluggish, but even so, you can see that you can fully enjoy Full Traat with high reproducibility compared to the IMU system. I bought a second-hand BS1 VIVE set for 20,000 yen.

However, it is not recommended for people who want to try full-body tracking for now, don’t want to move much, want to use it for V-sleep applications and don’t want to spend a lot of money.

The tracker can be easily adjusted from 6 to 11 points, depending on the day and the number of tracking points, which can be quickly expanded by purchasing a belt to attach the tracker to.
With other devices, they are not available on the market and cannot be purchased immediately. Initial set-up is also easier than with other IMU systems, for example. Price, low availability and difficulty of installation are disadvantages. Compared to camera-related full body tracking, it has to be installed in the same way as IMU systems.

Here is how it works when the base station is switched to 2.0 x 2 with 11-point full body tracking.


You can use the same Vive tracker 3.0 all the time. The total outlay is higher, but even if you change the type of moves or need to move more intensely, you can update the base station without having to change the tracker itself

Despite the difficulties of wearing the device, the response time of tracking is fast and the system has a very high sense of integration with the body, which allows for an immersive and accurate reproduction of motion that cannot be experienced with camera-based full-body tracking. Switching from IMU-based full body tracking to trackers also allows for a high degree of motion reproduction. It is too expensive to try, but simply turn on the device and buy more trackers for up to 11 points of full body tracking. It’s easy to get an immersive experience, highly reproducible and easy to implement. It seems by far the cheapest for the high performance. Other IMU methods can cause the sensor to go haywire, for example by bringing it close to magnetism, and the calibration times themselves are high, which can damage the immersive experience.

Video showing the difference between Base Station 1.0 and 2.0!

The video is used as an example. They were filmed with Base Station 1.0 x 2, Base Station 2.0 x 2 and Base Station 2.0 x 4 respectively, and you can see that the higher the number with BS2, the less the twitching.

The biggest problem is that the Base Station cannot be bought immediately even though it is a commercial product

Even though it is a commercial product, it is very difficult to purchase a base station due to lack of stock. We have written a separate article on our website about the biggest challenge – how to buy one and tips on how to get one.
If you want to know more about the detailed conditions of the video and more detailed information, please refer to the following articles and others. In addition, as the Vive tracker is currently the best moving VRchat on this website, it is easier to introduce Fultra with the Vive tracker immediately and without trouble if the HMD is Valve or VIVE. Please refer to the links below for detailed instructions and details on how to set it up in case of Quest, etc.



Used products are available on the market and easy to obtain
High street and many people have access to it, so there is a lot of information available
Easy to install. Easy to add. Far fewer configuration problems.
Response time is fast and start-up time is practical and sufficient
Overwhelmingly few problems and few calibration cycles; enjoys more than 30 minutes of immersion
Recognises the floor well, and feet do not swell on the floor or swing from side to side
High repeatability due to detection and tracking of the absolute coordinates of the tracker to accurately measure the distance from the base station
The reproducibility of realistic movements is the best among these, so if you want to reproduce dancing, intense movements or immersive experiences, this is the one you should choose.
Finger tracking is also very easy, requiring only the installation of an Index controller.


Too popular and not well stocked, even though many used products are available on the market.
Expensive. Expensive, as each tracker costs 19 000 yen and a base station is also required separately
Can’t hang a blanket or anything when v-sleeping, and if there is a barrier, it will fly away and become squishy.
Installation costs are very high to start full body tracking.
Need to install a dongle on the PC side.
USB extension for the dongle, charging cable, etc. are required and expensive

For more information, including the official website, click here.

So what about the IMU method? Below is an introduction to each device, but it is very long, so we have focused on five recent major devices and summarised their advantages and disadvantages in a video. If you are busy, please watch this video! [It takes less than four minutes.


[2] Unimotion Price: ¥30,000-50,000

The main difference between Unimotion and other IMU devices is that one tracker runs on a single AA battery. It has a mode where the tracker is attached to the upper body only and specialises in tracking the upper body, as well as a wireless connection, which does not interfere with movement, unlike wired IMU systems. However, it does not allow for smoother movements than the VIVE tracker, and the floor is represented as sliding, which is unique to the IMU method, so the movement tends to be that of a person without gravity or friction.For more information.

As for prices, prices start from the ¥30,000 range and vary depending on the number of tracking points.


Can be used to hang blankets and other items when v-sleeping.
144 Hz mode is available, which allows for smoother motion compared to other IMU systems.
Battery-powered, so it is easy to use even where there is no power supply.
Has an upper body mode and can be used for Vtuber operations.


Battery powered, which means that the batteries need to be changed daily
Poor reproduction of real movements compared to VIVE trackers
Few users, so there are not many people to ask if you have any problems.
Compared to VIVE Tracker, after calibration, the body gradually shifts and the sense of unity is lost.
Cannot be used without a Wifi environment.
Slips on the floor
Tracker belt is harder to remove than Haritra Wireless or Eoz Tracker Belt.
Initial set-up to create the tracker belt + device compartment takes time.

For other details on Unimotion, see this article, which is lengthy.

[3] HaritoraX Wireless price: ¥30,000-¥50,000

This new IMU-based device was introduced in June 2023. It is smaller in size and cheaper, but it also reflects movement at 100 fps and worse than VIVE Tracker and Unimotion. It is recommended for those who want to start easily, for portable use or for Quest single unit operation. those who switch from VIVE Tracker, please note that the realistic movement reproduction is totally different. It is different from the smooth moves you could do before. It is easy to put on and take off with one-touch and can be charged via USB, so it can be used every time. We have reviewed the product, please check the article below for more information.


∙ Light and small.
∙ Compared to Unimotion and mocopi, the tracker belt is easier to remove with a one-touch detachable mechanism.
∙ The belt can be connected via a dedicated dongle or Bluetooth.
∙ The belt is elastic.
∙ Rechargeable via USB.


・The initial set-up is a pain in the ass. Some of them require 12 button presses x 6.
Compared to the VIVE Tracker, the body gradually shifts after calibration, and the sense of unity is lost.
・When using Bluetooth, it is necessary to check the number of other connected devices on the PC side.
・The reproducibility of realistic movements is worse than with the VIVE Tracker.
・The charging cable for simultaneous connection is special. Charging is more troublesome than with the VIVE Tracker.
・It is easy to attach the left leg/knee and the right leg/knee by mistake. It is necessary to reattach it again if it is attached by mistake.
・Compared to the VIVE Tracker, the HaritoraConfigrator needs to be calibrated separately for about 10 seconds, which is a hassle.

For other details on Unimotion, see this article, which is lengthy.

[4] mocopi Price: ¥40,000- + (separate smartphone required)

Announced in December 2022 and released on 20 January 2023, this is Sony’s IMU-based device for full body tracking. It is the only full body tracking device that can be used as a mobile motion capture tool, using only a smartphone. Unlike other IMU systems, it is not equipped with a geomagnetic system. The rating changes significantly depending on software updates and modes. The most recent update was made on 1/17/2024, which significantly improved operation and behaviour. Details before that are summarised below.


・Light and small
・Can be used outside.
・Can be charged by simply plugging one terminal into the special case.
・The phone can acquire and record motion data on its own.
・A new type of IMU-based full-transistor device that can be used either via SteamVR or OSC.


No geomagnetic sensor, so less realistic movement reproduction than Haritra Wireless or Unimotion.
No elbow extension kit, so elbow tracking is not possible.
For VRchat, less cosmetic and less realistic movement reproduction than other Fulltra devices
Requires a separate smartphone
Floor slipping phenomenon is stronger
Many modes, including lower body enhancement mode and SlimeVR mode, and realistic movement reproduction and movement changes depending on the mode

The older version was recommended for about 15 minutes of use and good smartphone and tablet performance; with SlimeVR support on 17 Jan, the movement has improved significantly. Check out the movement in the latest comparison video below

For more details, see this article, which is lengthy.

HaritoraX Wireless, Unimotion, VIVE Tracker or mocopi Which is better at reproducing realistic movements?

It is difficult to say, as it depends on the environment and budget for the surrounding geomagnetic field, direct sunlight, etc., but in my case, as shown in the video below, the VIVE tracker had the best results in terms of movement reproduction. mocopi was filmed with the latest version of SlimeVR, January 2024.

Each has its own characteristics, but as it would be a long story to tell, I have written a separate article. For more information on comparative articles, see this article.

There is another verification video comparing mocopi with slimeVR, VIVE tracker and HaritoraX, which can be found here.


[5] HaritoraX (hereafter HaritoraX (wired)) Price: ¥30,000-¥50,000


A wired IMU-based full-body tracking device, available from 15 September 2022 onwards, with easier availability due to a revised production regime, which makes reservations easier to take. It is suitable for people who have no money at all for their first IMU-based fulltracer. Reproducibility is naturally worse than trackers. Tracker belts etc. are also larger; often used by VR sleepers. They are inexpensive and informative. However, it is wired, so it is very cumbersome and quite a few people say they have broken their LAN line. It is also convenient because it can be charged with one touch; VR sleepers should include it in their considerations!

Previously, in order to buy a HaritraX, you had to ‘apply’ to the manufacturer and ‘win the lottery’. These conditions were very strict, and although some people were naturally able to buy one, not everyone who applied for the lottery was in a position to win. This led to a situation where the Fultra could not be immediately available. In the last few days, there have been some immediate delivery conditions. Visit the official website. The following video shows how Haritra works.

・Using HaritoraX (*subtitles required).

The main feature of HaritraX, and the point where it differs from Unimotion-san and others, is that it is a chest tracker. Generally, the closer the tracker is to the movable joints, the more faithfully the movements of the movable joints are reproduced. Therefore, I think it is better to think that the movement of the waist and thighs is a little less integrated. In fact, in the video above, you can see that the movement of the thighs to the waist is presumably moving. Another disadvantage is that the belt is thick, which makes it easy to sweat. The cable is also wired and can get snagged. Be careful in this respect.

For other details, please see the HaritraX summary in chronological order. As for prices, prices vary depending on the number of tracking points in the range of 30,000 yen and up. For more information,see this article

GOOD (All information is based on what we have heard from people who use them)

∙ It is recommended as an entry-level machine for full-body tracking because it is cheap, in the 20,000-30,000 yen range, and can be expanded.
∙The information on the tracker belt is particularly good. There is a lot of information on tracker belts in particular.
∙Relatively easy to install.
∙The tracker belt is relatively easy to install.
∙The tracker belt can be used as a blanket when sleeping, so the tracker does not fall off. Can be used continuously.

BAD (All information is based on what we have heard from people who use them)

The reproducibility of movement is poor compared to the VIVE Tracker.
The wiring is cumbersome and gets caught on your feet when you sleep in VR.
The wired connection is a nuisance and gets caught on your feet when you sleep in VR.
Slippery floor.
Compared to the VIVE Tracker, it takes 10 seconds to calibrate with the HaritoraConfigrator, and it’s a hassle to do it on the VRchat side.

[6] Xintracker: ¥30,000-¥50,000.

IMU-based devices for full-body tracking from xintechs Kobo. These devices are rechargeable full-body tracking devices. Details are summarised below.


∙ Cheap.
∙ Fast to buy and ship.
-Wireless LAN + lithium-ion battery, so it is shielded and can be simply recharged.


・Production numbers are low.
・The IMU system is still in its infancy and there are few users.
・The floor slipping phenomenon, which is peculiar to the IMU system, is occurring.

Booth, who often buys avatars and other items, is the seller, so it’s first-come, first-served, but easy to get if you work hard enough there. Officials are also friendly and quick to respond, making it a minor category of fulltrader. They don’t support international shipping.


[7] Home-made (SlimeVR) Budget: ¥10,000- (*Home-made is completely at your own risk.)

How to make your own using a WeMos D1 Mini and sensors such as the MPU6050, and connect it to VRchat using the SlimeVR software. I don’t have a homebrew myself, so see this blog for more information.Until early 2023, when devices for full body tracking were hard to find, many people had no choice but to make their own, but now that manufacturers’ products are available for purchase, some people on this website recommend it because it is easy to reproduce, etc., as there are beginners, first-time users, people who are not familiar with electronics, etc. However, we cannot recommend it uniformly, so we think it is only for those who understand that homebrewing is completely at their own risk.



Once you get into the industry, you make and improve and improve, and you get into making devices, not just full-trap body tracking.


 Homebrewing is entirely at your own risk. It is not recommended on this website.
The difference in reproducibility depends on the device purchased, and the difference is very large.
It depends on the person’s technical skills and is his/her own responsibility. The cost of the parts can all be wasted.
The degree of difficulty is high for people who make their own devices.
Tools are required separately.

 I’ve seen VRC done by people with a lot of expertise and I’ve seen it tweeted a lot! In the past, devices for full body tracking were hard to come by, so many people who didn’t know much about it were doing it with online information.

But there are manufacturer’s products in circulation, and making your own is not something I would recommend to newcomers, because you’re on your own.

It’s only for people who can make it themselves, so I’ll just introduce on this website that there are people who make their own devices.

Camera method.

This is a type of full body tracking that uses a camera to read motion, AI and posture estimation to reflect the movement on VRchat.
They tend to be less repeatable and faster than tracker ones. What are the major full body trackers other than full body trackers, and how do they use full body tracking in VRchat? This is a good question, but money is currently expensive for major full body tracking! Not available! There are several problems such as.
I think this minor full body tracking will be for those who can take the time and effort. Here is what we are currently aware of.


[8] MocapForAll Budget: ¥30,000 (¥10,000 for software, ¥20,000 for camera, etc.)

This is a method of full body tracking within VRChat using two or more webcams. This method is recommended for movements that require fast fps. Please refer to the following video for the movements.
This is a method of full body tracking within VRChat using two or more webcams. This method is recommended for movements that require fast fps. Please refer to the following video for the movements.


Can be done without anything to attach
Easy to start with just one unit and two cameras
Easy to buy as it uses commercially available webcams
Can move faster than TDPT


GPU power required; RTX3060 is considered necessary.
At least two cameras are needed and the two cameras are identical. Alternatively, there needs to be no delay.
Limited poses that can be done compared to major full body tracking.
Needs to be re-calibrated and adjusted once
Requires more space than other full body tracking for different poses and movements

MocapForAll is a good tool for people who want to start full body tracking for now and want to start without anything to wear. It’s also inexpensive. Might be a bit tough for people who move a lot..

[9] Vseeface Budget: ¥10,000 for software itself (free of charge), ¥10,000 for camera, etc. (also very useful for VTuber use)


Not many people use it on its own. If you are using TDPT or Leap Motion, which will come up later, mainly for Vtuber use, you will know this software.

It is a way to do full body tracking in VRChat using a single webcam, but it can be done by connecting the VMC protocol with MocapForAll and others mentioned earlier. It is very versatile, free of charge, and may serve as a connection to other software. For example, by combining VseeFace + TDPT or VseeFace + MocapForAll, it is possible to create full body + face + hands, etc. See the TDPT video below for more details.

【10】TDPT Budget: Free software, ¥3,000 for camera, etc. (also very useful for VTuber use)

TDPT is a method of full body tracking within VRChat using a single webcam. TDPT is completely different from MocapForAll in the way it works inside, so it can be done without calibration, etc., without any hassle and with less load on the PC. However, TDPT is not good at slow movements and rotations, which have their advantages and disadvantages. Considering ease of setup and cost, this is by far the best choice. In addition, there is also an iOS version, so if you have a smartphone, you can use it for only 600 yen in real terms.

This is a course for Vtubers, but you can learn more about the use of TDPT in Friday’s video by Bistan.


It can be done without anything to attach.
It is cheaper than MocapForAll and requires less time and effort.
It can be done with a single camera and is very easy to use.
It is easy to start with only the cost of a camera and an application. Easy to obtain and start right away.
Easy to purchase because it uses a camera.
Easy to purchase because it uses a camera.


When the camera is out of view, it stops working and moves strangely.
Poses are limited compared to major Full-Body tracking.
Movement is sluggish compared to MocapForAll.
The reproducibility of movement is low compared to the optical type, and the floor is slippery.

TDPT is totally different in principle from Mocap ForAll because it estimates posture based on data created by the producer. Movement tends to be slower, but it’s also better for blurring, PC specs, and one camera!


【11】AR marker use Budget: ¥10,000 for software itself (free of charge), ¥10,000 for camera, etc. 

It is a method (using AprilTag, etc.) to recognize AR markers by attaching them to the body, but it is not easy to use and is a very minor category because it is easy to create camera blind spots.

If the QR is not recognized, the feet and other parts of the body may spin around, which will spoil the immersive experience. However, it is easy to get started, so I recommend it for introduction!

【12】Kinect use Budget: ¥3,000 (used price, etc.)

This is a way to do full body tracking within VRChat using a gaming depth camera called Kinect. I do not strongly recommend this method because it is too old and you need to get it used. Kinect used to be a mainstream motion capture tool, but nowadays there are many other tools that are better. Just by watching the video, you can usually tell how reproducible it is. Here are some of the videos and details.


It can be done without anything to attach.
Anyway, it is possible to introduce a FBT at a low cost.
Easy to purchase because it uses a camera.


Not recommended. It is becoming an old technology.
Movement is choppy compared to MocapForAll. Requires movement to be recognized by the camera
Limited poses possible compared to major full-traffic cameras.


【13】VIVE Tracker (Ultimate) Budget: ¥90,000-.

This is the newest and most popular tracker on the market today. By attaching the camera to the “tracker side”, you can have up to 5 trackers (up to 8 points no matter how hard you try) fulltraffic. Weighing in at $31,000 (tax included) and weighing 94 g, a PC is no longer required and no base station is needed; just plug the VIVE Wireless Dongle into the headset and you’re good to go. Already available.


[VIVE Ultimate Tracker] Basic information.

VIVEトラッカー (Ultimate)

Maximum of 5 trackers (no matter how hard you try, up to 8 trackers)
31,000 yen (tax included) per unit
Weight: 94 g Charging time: 2.2 hours on average with Quick Charge 3.0
No longer requires a PC, no longer needs a base station, just plug the VIVE wireless dongle into the headset.
Connectivity Dedicated 2.4 GHz/5 GHz Wi-Fi
VIVE Wireless Dongle required for connectivity: VIVE XR Elite, VIVE Focus 3; support for other standalone and PC VR headsets is planned.
Support for other standalone and PC VR headsets is currently planned.

Details are summarized in the article below. You can also check the link to the article below for actual impressions of how we used it!

VIVE Ultimate Tracker summary. How many points of full tracker can you do up to? Specifications, tweets and disadvantages at a glance! Summary.


[14] Using HMD controllers and other devices as trackers Budget: ¥20,000 – unknown

The HMDs and controllers are readily available in used condition, so there are many users who use them. There are a lot of users who use this method. The reasons for this are that they are easy to obtain, used ones are readily available, and they are easy to set up. Some people calibrate their HMDs with the main body attached to their waist. It’s very heavy, so it’s hardest to keep it up.



Using HMD controllers and other devices as trackers

For current VRchat applications, if it is easy to do, inexpensive anyway, and you can adjust the software relationship yourself, it would be the recommended method.
If you can install a base station, you can get full body tracking at a low cost and with good accuracy. It is recommended for students and others who cannot afford the initial investment.


Reliability is relatively high with others because of the use of the manufacturer’s official products, and it is easy to connect
Easy to install because it uses the manufacturer’s official products
Can be obtained at low cost


Because the method is outside the manufacturer’s warranty, you are responsible for any problems that may occur
Because it is used for purposes other than its intended use, it tends to cause problems such as being too heavy or not fitting well with the body.
Preparation is necessary because it is an unofficial method of the manufacturer.
Tends to be frustrating because the controller and HMD are attached to the body and are heavy.


[15] How to use a Nintendo Joy-con as a tracker Budget: For the number of Joy-cons.

I think there are a surprisingly large number of users who use this. The reason is the same as before: it’s easy to get, and used ones are easy to find. There are more smartphone tracker users because there are more people with extra smartphones.


For those who have many, the tracker fee is unnecessary
The belt and other accessories of the ring-fit can be diverted without modification


Because the method is outside the manufacturer’s warranty, you are responsible for any problems that may occur
Because it is used for purposes other than its intended use, it tends to cause problems such as being too heavy or not fitting well with the body.
Preparation is necessary because it is an unofficial method of the manufacturer.
Stilted movement and poor battery life.
Since it is a Nintendo product, it is necessary to try it with the feeling of leaving luck in Nintendo’s hands (it may become unusable due to updates, etc.), but there is no shortage of stock, so this may be a groundless fear.


[16] How to use a smartphone as a tracker substitute.

I recommend it because it’s easy to get started. Like before, it’s a smartphone, so it’s easy to get, easy to get used ones, easy to charge, and so on. I’ve confirmed that there are some.




For those who have a lot, tracker fees are unnecessary.


Because the method is outside the manufacturer’s warranty, you are responsible for any problems that may occur
Because it is used for purposes other than its intended use, it tends to cause problems such as being too heavy or not fitting well with the body.
Preparation is necessary because it is an unofficial method of the manufacturer.
Stilted movement and poor battery life.


[17] Tundra Tracker (depending on procurement status)

The principle is the same as the VIVE Tracker with a lighthouse system. A separate base station is required. This method is to purchase and use Tundra Tracker. Since its launch on CRAFAN, the number of production has been gradually increasing, but it still belongs to a minor category compared to major full-trackers.

The base station (the environment must be capable of the light house method) is the first and most important factor here.

Please note that new items on Mercury may be stolen!



Easy to install. Easy to add
Fast response time


Not commercially available and therefore harder to obtain than VIVE trackers

I think there are quite a lot of users who use this. There are a lot of people who use beat saver and are using it for video streaming. But I don’t know because I haven’t messed with it at all, so you should ask someone who is using it.


Reasons why no companies appear when searching for ‘フルトラ’.

Although it is a commonly used abbreviation, it is currently owned by Mr. Shiftall as a trademark. We hope you will refer to this page to learn about the full body tracking device makers that can be used in VRchat, as we have received an official announcement that official Fullbody Tracking  device makers other than Siftor were engaged in an action that may not appear in the top search results when searching for “フルトラ” . Since the announcement from Shiftall that “フルトラ” is available, Unimotion and others have started using it, and we have confirmed that it is listed at the top of the search as of 9/29. However, due to fear of risk, other companies have yet to come out with their own. For this reason, we have not verified this on our site, but we have created a page here with links to a list of all the Full-body tracking-related products that we handle.

Are there any full-body tracking devices that are not possible due to differences in HMDs?

It would be helpful to see the official website or something accurate, if the HMD is compatible with SteamVR, you can basically use it for VRchat flutra. If you’re not sure, you can ask the official website or HP, “Does it support VRchat or SteamVR?” IMU companies have a contact point where you can ask them by discord or other means. If you want to do full body tracking with Quest series, please refer to the following article. If you want to do full body tracking in the Quest series, please refer to the following article.


[extra] What about virtual trackers?

If the HMD is Quest series + VirtualDesktop, you can use the virtual tracker function.
However, in the case of QuestPro, it is not quite full body tracking as the feet do not move, etc., and the accuracy is worse than the full body tracking of the camera, but you can feel the tracking accuracy of the upper body.

Virtual Desktopの仮想トラッカー機能はどれ位トラッキングに使えるのか?Viveトラッカーとの組み合わせは?フルトラはできるの?デバイスの節約になる?VR睡眠は?QuestProでやってみた!



If you are very knowledgeable, you may have created a world, held a meeting by yourself, or disclosed information on Twitter, rather than creating a website or web page. After learning about the types and words on this site, it would be easier to introduce various types of full body tracking if you visit the sites of people who are actually using it, follow them on Twitter, or ask them directly about their actual experiences.

This site provides the following information on how to become a full body tracking system.
1. People who have never heard of full body tracking in VRchat or could not take the beginner’s guide.
2. for those who cannot meet their Japanese full body tracking friends in time.

I am writing this article with an emphasis on how to become a full body tracker right away for the following reasons:Â
Now, if you want to be introduced immediately, you can get BS and tracker, if you don’t mind waiting a little longer, you can get Haritra, Gin Tracker, etc….

I believe that people who are familiar with full body tracking will not search for “VRchat full body tracking,” so please do not be too harsh on me if I am wrong here or if the amount is wrong. Please always check the official price. Haritra, Unimo, and Tracker have all changed their prices over the past year. For more information on each device, please do your own search and find out…. Please.


If you want to know the results of the survey on the usage of different full body tracking devices, click here.

If you want to know about Vtuber tracking, click here.


Click here to contact us in case of problems with full body tracking devices.

Click here for a list of full body tracking device manufacturers
